Ministry of Defence (MoD) Job Circular 2018 has been published in online job portal also find on my website BD Jobs Careers.The Ministry of Defence (MoD) (Bengali: Protirakha Montronaloya) is a Bangladeshi government ministry. The MoD is headed by the Minister of Defence, a civilian and member of cabinet; the post is usually held by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, who also serves as the President’s second-in-command of the military. In contrast to practice in other nations, the MoD does not exercise command authority over the Bangladesh Armed Forces, which is instead subordinate to the Armed Forces Division (AFD).Even though the Ministry of Defence bureaucracy is predominantly civilian, the military exerts substantial influence over its operations. Through the appointment of military retirees and active-duty officers to the Ministry of Defence the military indirectly controls the ministry. Parliament is constitutionally responsible for working with the president and the service chiefs in ensuring the nation’s defence. In practice, however, members of Parliament have never played a significant role in either national defence planning or defence budgeting. Recently this department hire new manpower for various position.If you interested in Government job in Bangladesh its a good one.So lets check the Ministry of Defence Job Circular (MoD) 2017. Apply now!!

 ■ Origination Name: Ministry of Defense.

■  Job Position: Mention the below Circular

■  Published Date: 19 April 2018

■  Application Deadline: see the circular

■  Number of Job Vacancies: see the image

■  Salary: According to Government Pay Scale 2015
■  Age Limit: N/A
■  Experience Requirements: N/A
■  Educational Qualification: Mention The Below Circula

■  Type of Jobs: Government Jobs.

■  Job category: Full Time.

■  Other Benefits: As per Government Policy.

■ Jobs Location: Dhaka

■ Job Source: Online job portal.

Ministry of Defence (MoD) Job Circular 2018

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